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Cornrower Runs Well at POET in Iowa

The Cornrower and stover harvest evaluation efforts with POET in Emmetsburg, IA and New Holland continue this season.  Last year’s results showed that ash (dirt) content in stover harvested from windrows made by the Cornrower were as clean or cleaner than stover from windrows formed solely from combine discharge.  Stover yield and control of the amount of stover offered with Cornrower technology is not available from any other harvest system.  New Holland and POET are both advocates of bio-energy, particularly with ethanol, through Growth Energy efforts.  No other farm equipment manufacturer is actively promoting farmer’s products in the bio-energy area in the manner that New Holland is doing.

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New Holland Rochester at the Chili Cook Off

The city of Rochester’s 24th annual Chili Cook Off event was held this past Saturday. New Holland Rochester had a great time participating in the event. The Cook Off had a record turnout, with a total of 504 registered cards were gathered at the event, breaking the previous record of 420. Our employees who helped did an excellent job on both the chili and putting together the display. While our chili and display unfortunately didn’t win, we did serve about 14 gallons worth in under 2 hours before running out, and received many complements on both the booth and the chili. We appreciate everyone who came out to the event and we hope to take the gold next year!

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Sgariboldi – Bringing Self-Propelled Mixing to N. America

Sgariboldi Grizzly 8100
Sgariboldi Grizzly 8100

Self-Propelled feed mixing is coming to North America thanks to an arrangement with New Holland Centerville and Sgariboldi – a leading European manufacturer of feed mixing equipment. Joel Davis, a sales representative from New Holland Centerville and Jim Straeter, manager at New Holland Rochester, visited Sgariboldi in Italy recently to become acquainted with the product and the people at Sgariboldi. Continue reading Sgariboldi – Bringing Self-Propelled Mixing to N. America

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Stover Harvest at Kaminski Farms

On Sept. 30th a stover harvest was done at Kaminski Farms in Three Oaks, MI.  Leading the three-year study is Dennis Pennington of Michigan State University and he operated the drone and spliced video to make this film.  New Holland Rochester provided the Cornrower and New Holland NA provided use of the CR6.90 combine for this study.  Dave and Linda Kaminski and their son Aaron deserve a huge ‘THANKS’ for providing help and field opportunity for this effort.  The Kaminski’s raise Angus cattle and will wrap the stover for evaluation later. 

The Cornrower provides dirt and rock free windrows of chopped stover concurrent with the corn grain harvest.  This video clearly shows the opportunity to quickly harvest clean stover as the New Holland round baler was packaging the stover right after the windrows were made, thereby capturing the moisture in the stover for ensiling the material.  With chopping happening in the windrow process this material can easily be used for feed or bedding without further processing.

Results of the MSU effort will benefit all growers of corn as well as end users such as the Kaminskis and we are happy to be able to participate in tis effort.

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Technicians like to Harvest Also

Several of our technicians yesterday got to enjoy harvesting crop in the field yesterday as part of a CR combine training. New Holland’s Cole Sanford was the leader of the class.  He did a powerpoint presentation followed by a live screen display, followed by a walk around and Q&A session.  During this training, Cole discussed some of the advantages of the New Holland combine and pointed out many of the servicing tips and tricks to making harvest a success!  After lunch, half of the crew went out to the field to cut soybeans!  A special thanks to Adam Nicholson and Tom Bearss for allowing us to use their combine and field for the training. The other half of the crew will be getting some stick time today. Hope everyone is having a great harvest!

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Come to the Dow Chemical Growth Energy Event 9/15!

We would like to invite you to a Growth Energy event hosted by Dow Chemical at the North Manchester POET plant on Tuesday 9/15. Come join us for a pre-harvest grower appreciation lunch, as Growth Energy members POET, Mycogen, and New Holland will be discussing issues facing the ethanol industry as well as new products and programs designed to benefit corn producers.


  • 11:00 – 11:05: Introduction
  • 11:05 – 11:20: Overview of the GE/Mycogen Partnership & Marketing Offer
  • 11:20 – 11:35: Key corn hybrids for the area
  • 11:35 – 11:45: Grain Market Update
  • 11:45 – 12:00: Ethanol/RFS Issues
  • 12:00 – 1:00: Combine Settings Impact / Cornrower
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Hay Day Photos

Our Hay Day event was held on Tuesday and was a great success as Mother Nature brought us a nice sunny day. Approximately 45 customers came out to see demos of New Holland’s cutting edge hay equipment and learned how to use it themselves. We appreciate those who took time out of their busy schedules to attend, and a big thank you is deserved to Brian Bidwell for being gracious enough to let us use his farm for the demo!

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Blueberry Festival Photos

Over Labor Day Weekend, a Blueberry Festival is held in Plymouth, IN that bring together many different events and vendors for the weekend to celebrate the holiday. This year was the 49th year for the event, which brought out over 135 food vendors, 185 craft vendors, and an estimated 500,000 people during the weekend to participate in events such as balloon rides, fireworks, face painting, and much much more. Our company was a proud sponsor of the festival, and look forward to celebrating the holiday festival with communities around the area for their 50th anniversary next year! Learn more about the festival here.