Check to verify that the part is not already on the website. To do this, browse to So for example, to check if part # 21.71610 is on the website, visit
If the page that comes up shows a message such as “Oops! That page can’t be found.” then it does not already exist.
Browse to the admin menu bar and go to “+New -> Product”. If you do not see this menu bar, you need to log into the website. You can do this by clicking on the "My Account" tab on the main menu and log in there.
Enter the part # in the Product name field.
Scroll down to the Product Short Description field and enter in a short description for the product. Generally, what can be entered in here is the same description that would be on the part profile description field in Intellidealer and consists of only one or two words.
Scroll down to the Product Data section and enter the sale price of the part into the Regular price ($) field. You can find the sale price for the part from the part profile page in Intellidealer.
Click on the Inventory tab in the product data section and enter the part # in to the SKU field, check the Manage stock level box, enter the current quantity on hand, and select "Allow, but notify customer" option for Allow backorders.
Click on the Shipping tab and enter in the product weight, dimensions, and appropriate shipping class.
For the product weight, a minimum of 0.10 needs to be used as that is the minimum weight that eBay allows. You can find the product weight from the either the part profile page in Intellidealer, actually weighing the product yourself, or through the manufacturer's website on the part profile page (i.e. CSPS for New Holland).
For the product dimensions, you can find this either from the manufacturer's website (i.e. CSPS for New Holland) or by measuring the dimensions yourself (or if the situation calls for it, use an approximation if necessary).
For the shipping class, any regular product (99% of the time) will use the Standard Product shipping class. Hazardous items such as paint and oils would use the Hazardous Product option. We have had some issues with USPS for certain types of heavier parts such as mower blades to where we started using the UPS Only option.
Browse to the Attributes section. Search for the Manufacturer attribute, then search for the appropriate manufacturer and then click the Save attributes button.
If the manufacturer does not appear, you can click the Add New button to add them in.
Scroll up to the Product categories section on the right-hand side and select the proper category.
There are many product categories, with several subcategories. Generally, the quickest way to find a category is by pressing Ctrl + F on the keyboard to open the Find search box, and searching for the category that way. The general structure of the product categories is:
All Equipment -> Equipment subcategories All Parts -> Parts subcategories
As a general rule, we only select one category option per product. For example, you may know that a bolt is used on certain planters, but instead of checking Hardware, Bolts (a subcategory under Hardware) and Planters, it would be most appropriate to check the Bolts category under the Hardware section assuming that is where a person would most commonly look for this product. If you are uncertain which category to select, it is a good practice to look where the part is used and on what machines using the manufacturer's parts catalog system to get a better understanding of what is the most appropriate category to select.
Please do not add any new categories without permission first. For a full list of current categories that is easier to see, you can view them on a spreadsheet here:
Scroll to the Product image section and upload the main product image for this product.
If you have additional pictures, scroll to the Product gallery section and upload the additional images there.
Scroll up and click on the Publish button.
Once the product is published to the website, it is live to view using the url address shown, also referred to as a permalink:
We started with making the title the same as the part number so that when we publish the post initially, the permalink shows up as It is very important this be the case, as all part pages on our site follow this structure.
Now that the page is published with the Permalink set as desired, we can edit the title to something more appropriate:
The title should be renamed using the following structure:
Manufacturer ("Make") name
Short Description of the product
The text "Part #" (without the quotes)
The part # itself
Use Proper Casing as shown here. Use the ampersand symbol (&) instead of the word "and" when needed to keep the title short. It is a good practice to keep the title short, yet descriptive as necessary. For instance, it may be appropriate to put dimensional information in the title like "New Holland 1" ID x 1.5" OD x 0.5" Thk Roller Bearing Part # 12345" in order to help a customer verify whether or not identify if this is the part needed when searching prior to clicking on the product page.
To add the item to eBay, check the List on eBay box, select the appropriate category, and click the Update button.
The category to select is generally determined by whether it is under 1lb (Small Item) or over 1lb (over 13oz) and the manufacturer. The product will still need to be Verified and Published to appear on eBay, which is outside the scope of this tutorial.
Here is a YouTube video showing a training session held reviewing the steps in this video:
Gorgias is the system currently being used by our company to keep track of phone calls, text messages, online chat messages, and some emails through the Gorgias ticketing system. Here is a guide on using various features on the system:
Gorgias is a central customer communication hub, which allows a company such as ours to manage incoming customer inquiries through different "channels" such as phone calls, text messages, website chats, etc. Here is what that looks like visually for us:
By using a central communication hub such as Gorgias, it allows all of the staff to communicate and keep notes of conversations with customers in a collaborative manner. You will see the benefits of this as you learn how to use it, but from a high-level perspective, you can think of Gorgias as one big shared notebook for keeping customer notes on across the company, which allows everyone to work on customer inquiries in a more coherent way than if you were to just keep track of your own conversations and notes individually. Here is what that looks like visually:
The rest of these sections in this training page will walk through how Gorgias works so you can learn how to use it in an effective manner to keep track of your tasks with customers quicker and easier for yourself and everyone else.
Whenever there is an incoming phone call, text message, website chat, or emails to specific inboxes, a ticket is created in Gorgias to view it:
Within the ticket, you can communicate with the customer, or leave internal notes to communicate with other team members or for your own reference. All of these features are discussed within this guide.
Note: It is important to be logged into Gorgias throughout the day as it is a requirement in order for phone calls to ring to you.
With many tickets being created daily, the left-hand menu bar is useful by grouping tickets to help quickly find tickets relevant to you. By default, when you log in, you will be taken to the My Open ticket menu, which displays all open tickets assigned to you:
The menu is grouped by primarily by location, with subgroups based on what type of communication channel was used for the ticket (i.e. phone call, non-phone call), and what the status of the tickets are (open or closed). For instance, if I want to look at phone calls that are open at the Greentown store, I can do that by click on the Open Phone subgroup under the Greentown:
Tickets can have one of two Status options, Open or Closed. The status of a ticket is used to help determine whether or not there is still any active communication needed for what that topic is regarding.
There are two ways to close a ticket, the first being from within the ticket itself:
The other method is allows you to close single or multiple tickets from any menu page:
You can similarly open back up any closed ticket by doing the reverse of each of the two methods to close them. From within the ticket itself:
Or from the menu page:
Closing tickets that no longer need attention helps keep focus on tickets that remain open which do require additional attention. If you close out a ticket after responding to a customer and they happen to respond back, the ticket will be automatically reopened if that happens within a short enough of a time frame (typically a few days). Should they respond to the message and it creates a new ticket for that response, you can simply merge the two tickets together (see the Merging Tickets section for more details).
Tickets can be assigned to individual users and/or teams, or neither (unassigned). By assigning a ticket to a specific user and/or team, it helps with the following:
Indicating to all other users who is currently responsible for that ticket
Making sure the ticket displays within the appropriate section within the menu
There are a couple of ways to assign tickets to users and/or teams:
If you are within the ticket, you can click the dropdown menu button for assigning tickets below the ticket title:
You can also assign tickets to teams and/or users from any of the main menus by selecting the ticket(s) you want to reassign and clicking either of the appropriate buttons located in the top menu bar, and similarly searching and selecting the user/team you want to assign the selected tickets to: This is a great way to reassign multiple tickets quickly.
By default, tickets are given default title names, such as this:
In order to easier identify what the ticket is regarding, it is a good idea to change the title to help better identify what it is about. To do this, open the ticket and change the title to something more appropriate. Clicking out of the box after entering the new title is all that is needed in order to save it:
Similarly, this helps when viewing any customer's ticket history in order to better help identify which ticket is which:
Adding notes to tickets is one of the best ways to utilize Gorgias as it is a great way to keep track of previous conversations with customers:
Using the Internal note option from the message box will never be sent to the customer itself, whereas the other options like Send Email or Send SMS will, so you want to make sure that you have the Internal Note option selected when entering a message not intended for the customer. This option turns the message box yellow in order to help indicate that, whereas the other options appear in white.
If you have two tickets that are about the same topic for the same customer, you can merge them together so that all the content about that topic stays grouped together within that ticket. Here is the process on how to do that:
When a new ticket is created for a customer whose name has not been updated in the customer profile, it will assign it a generic customer name by default:
To edit this, click into the ticket and click on the Customer # in the top-right hand side of the ticket window. Then click the Edit Customer button, and update the customer name (and any other details as necessary) from this screen:
You can also add "notes" to the customer profile from within the ticket itself. Most typically, the customer address is best stored here if you have it:
If you need to add a new customer, you can do so by switching to the Customers section, clicking the Add Customer button, and adding the appropriate details as follows:
If you identify two customer profiles that are really the same, you can merge them together, similar to merging tickets. Gorgias will help identify duplicate customer profiles when duplicate information is found (i.e. the same customer name) and suggest merging them. When merging the two profiles together, all the tickets that exist for each customer will be combined into one profile:
You want to be sure that the two profiles are in fact the same person prior to merging them. Just because two customers have the same name, does not automatically mean that they are the same person. Here is another example showing when you may come across duplicate customers when updating customer information and how to go about merging the two:
In order to send text messages / pictures to a customer, that customer needs to have a phone number in their profile that is textable (i.e. cell phone #). Once they do, you can select the Send SMS option from the message box menu, choose which number to send from, and send any message / picture preferred from there. You can only send one picture at a time.
Here is an example of how a conversation may typically go for a customer calling in looking for a part and you want to be certain that you are getting them the right one:
Sending emails to customers in Gorgias is done through the same message box as sending texts and adding Internal Notes:
Gorgias is able to integrate with eBay, allowing us to communicate with customers through eBay directly within Gorgias. There are a couple of items to keep in mind when communicating this way:
Links do not transfer through to eBay, so you want to be sure to insert the URL address to allow the user to be able to visit any pages such as product pages you want them to visit.
You do not want to send links to our website through eBay as this is against eBay's policies.
When sending images, you need to add them as an attachment in Gorgias. If you try to paste them into the message directly, it will not transfer through to eBay.
Here is a video demonstrating these items using an example message in Gorgias:
If you are finished with a ticket for now but want to be reminded to follow up on it at a later time, you can accomplish this in Gorgias by "Snoozing" the ticket. This acts as an alarm clock for the ticket, and is a great way to be reminded to do something at a later, more appropriate time, without having to worry about it until then.
Gorgias and IntelliDealer are now linked through an integration that has been setup. This page explains how the integration works.
The Integration in Action
When creating a new ticket, updating a current ticket, or adding a new message to an existing ticket in Gorgias, Gorgias will search for a customer match in IntelliDealer. If a match is found, you will see the customer profile(s) associated with it in the IntelliDealer integration widget on the right-hand side:
The Integration Purpose
This IntelliDealer integration widget will help identify information about the customer using data from IntelliDealer while in Gorgias. For instance, when a phone call comes in, you can open up the new ticket created for that phone call and quickly see at a glance much information about who the customer is, where they are from, and how much dollars worth of business they have done the past few years.
The Integration Data Overview
Much of the values are coming from the Customer Profile screen in Intellidealer as shown here:
You will notice at times that the data showing in the customer profile screen in Intellidealer does not match the data showing on the Gorgias integration. This may occur when there are multiple customer numbers being combined into the Gorgias integration, as shown in the sample screenshot above. When this happens, the integration uses what is considered to be the "max value" of them. So for instance, if one customer # has a Salesperson of QAC and another customer # has a Saleperson of DWS assigned to it, the integration will consider QAC to be the max value of the two and display that in the Gorgias integration.
Some other noteworthy points on what is displaying in the Gorgias integration fields that may not be immediately clear at first:
Cust # All Divs: This will list all of the customer numbers that a customer has in Intellidealer. It is listed as the store division # followed by the customer # for that store, as shown here:
Each store's division # can be found in IntelliDealer at the top right-hand part of the screen:
Sales fields: These year-to-date (YTD), last-year (LY), and 2-years-ago (2YA) sales figures for each field are based on the customer profile(s) being used. When there are multiple customer #s being combined, as in the case of the above example, the sales figures for each customer number are all added together.
Div Most Spent: This is looking at the location where the customer has spent the most amount of money combined across all departments based on the YTD, LY, and 2YA numbers. The purpose of this is field is simply to help identify which location is the primary location that the customer does business if they have multiple customer numbers being shown in the integration. This may not necessarily always represent where the customer prefers to do business, but can be a helpful indicator nonetheless.
Gorgias ID: This is a unique ID number in Gorgias to identify the customer and is what is used in the customer profile in Intellidealer to link an Intellidealer Customer ID to the Corgias customer ID:
Linking a Customer ID in IntelliDealer to Gorgias Integration
The easiest way to determine this Gorgias ID number for each customer is to first click on the customer name inside of a ticket:
This will pull up the Gorgias customer history screen. You can then see their ID number located in the URL address here:
To link this Gorgias Customer ID to the Intellidealer Customer ID, you need to enter this Gorgias Customer ID # into the Business Fax Number field in their IntelliDealer Customer Profile:
The Gorgias Customer ID and Intellidealer Customer ID are now linked together. You will not immediately see the Intellidealer Customer ID information appear in the Gorgias integration widget, as the Gorgias Intellidealer integration data is only synced on a daily basis.
Dealers sell their obsolete parts to this company for pennies on the dollar, who turn around and resale them back to those who need it. So they have many hard to find parts from all brands. To view their products: 1. Navigate to 2. Search for the part # needed in the search box (example). 3. A new tab will open showing you the search results. For any results displayed, double check that the part # and brand is the same as what you need (example). 4. For any results for which they have on hand, you can contact the appropriate depot location to order, as shown at the top of the page (example).
Vintage Parts is a company that buys obsolete parts from manufacturers, so they offer many hard-to-find parts. To find parts on their site: 1. Navigate to 2. Use the search box at the top right to search for the part number you are hoping to locate (example). 3. If results are found, they will be shown and you can view the product page from there. 4. Check to see if they have the part on hand. If so, you can call them (877-846-8243) or login to the site to order. The price that is displayed on the product page is the list price for the customer, and we will get a discount on that for our profit (for instance, in this example, the $92.61 shown is what price to offer to the customer).
Sparex is a company that offers a variety of aftermarket parts for all brands. You can visit their site to at and use the search box to try and find what is needed. Each location has their own login information that can be used to login and order the parts from.
Parts Express is a company that manufacturers aftermarket parts for many brands. You can use their site to search by part number or by make/model. Each store has their own account login information that can be used to order the parts from. Visit their site at
Weaver's Compact Tractor company focuses on sourcing and supplying compact tractor parts for all brands. Visit their site at to view their product offering, or give them a call at 717-477-9332 with the part number that you are looking to get and they will see if they can locate it or not. If they do have it, you will need to take the pricing that they offer us and mark it up 30% to offer to the end customer. Don't forget to account for the freight also.
Breizelec is a company focused mostly on hard-to-find electrical based parts. They repair/remanufacture many electrical parts for all makes. Visit their site at and search the site for the part numbers needed. They are based primarily out of Canada, and so it is usually around $50 to ship parts to/from there. If they do not have the part on hand, they may be able to repair the broken component the customer is needing depending on the state of the part. You can send them the pictures for the to try and evaluate it ahead of time. You will need to get our cost for everything from them, and then ideally mark it up 30% to the end customer from there.
Please choose input type for columns that you want to edit
This article describes how to view the Scan History time in Intellidealer, which is what is the time used for payroll purposes. This screen can also be used as a useful tool to look up who was scanned on what work order at any given time.
1. In Intellidealer, go to Product Support -> Service -> Supervisor:
2. Click on the Scan History tab:
3. On this screen, you will see a bunch of various filters at the top of the page that can be used to search for the appropriate person and date range that you are looking for:
4. As an example, let’s put in a date range for a specific day, and then click the Go button to see the results:
5. For results that are more useful, check the Subtotal and Summarize box, which will subtotal each person by day, and also display a total at the bottom:
Common Use-Case Example: Let’s say we want to see the results for one person, Larry Green, over the course of a week’s time to verify his hours for the week for payroll purposes:
1. To view this, start by clicking the magnifying glass on the Select Technician filter and click on Larry Green’s name, which will enter his tech # (504) into the search box (you could also just type the technician # into the box if you know it):
2. We will then switch the date range to the week we want to look at, and then click go to see the results:
So in this example, we can see that Larry worked a total of 48.60 hours for the week, with day by day subtotals to verify for accuracy.
Common Use-Case Example: Let’s say we want to see how many hours were spent on a work order along with details of who worked when:
Use the filters at the top and put in the work order number in question:
Notice that I also checked off the Subtotal and Summarize boxes so that the subtotal and total hours would be displayed. Also, I put in a Date Range from 3/31/2021 (a year ago from today) and left the To date blank. This displays a year-long range from 3/31/21 to now (3/31/22) and ensures that I will see all the time scans on this work order without any being cut off due to the date (assuming no labor was done on this work order prior to 3/31/21, which is not likely).
Looking at the results there, I can see that 3 people have worked on this job for a total of 24.03 hours, all on the same day 3/21/22.
In order to print the financials, do the following in Intellidealer:
1. Go to Financial Management -> General Ledger -> Financial Reporting on the Intellidealer menu:
2. Click on the Summarized Financials link from the page menu.
3. Enter in the desired date you want to see the financials for, and then click continue to send them to the printer you have selected (click the magnifying glass to see the printer list of options if you aren’t sure or wish to change the printer set by default):
4. If you would rather get a PDF of the reports and not a physical printout, select the PDF option and then click the Continue button:
5. To view the PDFs, go to the printer icon at the top right corner of the screen and select the PDF Viewer:
6. A popup will appear showing the PDFs available. There are 8 different PDFs that get generated with the Summarized Financials – 6 Summarized Financials, an Error Listing Summary For Financial Reports, and a Journal Listing. The 6 Summarized Financials are the only ones that are significant. You can click on each report link to view each of the 6 pages from here: